Oy Bay!

"My heart is in the east, and I in the uttermost west." — Yehudah Ha-Levi

Found! The Official TRUE ™ Holocaust Victims Spokes-person!

Posted by Oyster on August 8, 2006

Sylvia Tennenbaum

In response to another muck-raking post by Yonatan Brownstein on JewSchool, I couldn’t contain my sarcastic streak. Here’s what I posted as my comment. Since they screen & edit comments, I’m cross-posting it here so that you actually have a chance to read it:

Wow, I’m so glad that I now know the True Holocaust Victims Spokesperson ™, none other than Silvia Tennenbaum. Here’s an excerpt from a related artcle in faux news:

After an open and exhaustive search, Silvia Tennenbaum was selected for her wit, ability to write, and the fact that the Nazis did not succeed in killing her. In other words, she was over-qualified. Not content to sit on her laurels and bask in the glory of her new-found position, she has been hard at work making sure that, drawing on her extensive experience of 0 years in the grip of the Final Solution, everyone knows exactly how all 6 million butchered Jews in all of Europe would feel about current events, over half a century since their demise. “By my watching censored broadcasts from the US and Britain, in a comfy living room in front of a TV set as a small child, I was able to channel the collective and clairvoyant opinions of dead & dying Jews in Europe; only to reveal their TRUE political opinions 60 years later,” said a beaming Silvia.

6 Responses to “Found! The Official TRUE ™ Holocaust Victims Spokes-person!”

  1. Oyster said

    Just to clarify: I wrote all of that. The ‘faux news’ was a tip-off that I’m being sarcastic in writing a fictional account.

  2. Are you making fun of me?

  3. Oyster said

    Beavis: “Are you threatening me?!”

  4. shiduri said

    Oyster, you are satirically brilliant.


  5. A) I screen comments only for hate speech, not for views which run counter to those voiced on Jewschool. If you have one approved comment and use the same username and email address, you can post freely henceforth.

    B) The only comments I’ve ever edited are those of Jewlicious’ TM. And that’s because he eats his own poo.

  6. Oyster said

    Hey Mobius! Welcome to our site.

    I take back what I said about JewSchool’s comment policy. I guess the delay (compared with other sites) lead me to incorrectly believe that they were being screened. I think your policy is fair.

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