Oy Bay!

"My heart is in the east, and I in the uttermost west." — Yehudah Ha-Levi

Welcome WhiteFroDude, our newest Oy-Bay’ster!

Posted by Oyster on August 1, 2007

WhiteFroDude HeebI first met WhiteFroDude at the Hillel of Silicon Valley leading a Shabbat kiddush. And let me say, he’s the kinda guy you don’t soon forget. But soon, I was seeing him everywhere! Strapping on tefillin at the Western Wall, as displayed on the front page of Ha’aretz Online! And then, modelling shwag for Heeb Magazine! This bad-ass MoFro (Fro of the Mosaic persuasion) has agreed to bring his sarcasm, wit, fondness for cheese, obsession with film, and ginormous Jew hair to the writing staff of Oy Bay, and we coulnd’t be more thrilled! 🙂
More about WhiteFroDude:

WhiteFroDude is a super senior at San Jose State University, where you will often find him rooting for the hockey or football team throughout the year. A mad movie buff, he loves any and all kinds of movies, but Zoolander above all others. He is a Communications major with a P.R. minor, and like many other Jews, plans to run Hollywood some day so that he can meet his hero Jeremy Piven. Involved in Hillel and the SJSU Jewish Student Union, he can also be convinced to show up at most any Jewish event going on in the area. He is a righteous mensch of the first degree.

WhiteFroDude Tefillin

3 Responses to “Welcome WhiteFroDude, our newest Oy-Bay’ster!”

  1. FriarYid said


  2. Welcome to the team!

  3. minsky said

    You do have the coolest hair, and I dare say, poster look- like the cover of a vinyl album.

    Moses is my Homeboy.

    Hey, me to.

    Cool man!

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